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Curating my creative space

August 10, 2012

Creative spaces (visual) of others fascinate me. It’s like seeing the world through their eyes. What blows me away is when those spaces are neat, organized and well styled at (what seems like) all times. My studio space looks like a tornado hit it 85% of the time. Why: because when I start to put things away I am struck with an idea that I have to do at that very moment  OR I get really overwhelmed with the amount of ‘stuff’  and end up in a ball on the floor crying. My biggest downfall are the blank white walls. In theory, collected inspirational  photos, findings and cards will be perfectly placed on the walls creating an amazing collage. HOW to do it is what’s stopping me from starting. I need something that will not damage the wall or the art, is flexible to change at whim and can be removed when I no longer use that room. Ideas? Suggestions? I will take them now, please.

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  1. originaltitle permalink
    August 12, 2012 5:59 am

    I always say screw the walls and just pin up whatever on my walls. If I could have my way, I’d paint all my walls with chalkboard paint and go to town with chalk and pictures creating diagrams and collages all over the place. But if you want to save the walls, maybe install some cork-board runners? Or get a couple of easels and put some cork boards on them instead of canvases and create your collages there near your desk. That way you can pin and change your visual timeline at a whim without actually destroying the walls. Or, mess up the walls as much as you want and plan on repainting each year. Another idea would be to go to a Staples or OfficeMax and go to the teacher/school supply section. Often they’ll have wall safe sticky tacky or wall-safe tape because often school’s don’t allow teachers to pin anything to the wall or use any kind of adhesive that won’t easily come off. I was a teacher and found these little square stickies that were low adhesive, but kept things on my wall all year. It was easy to peal off and re-stick.

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